Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Well Hey

Hi. My name is Lele - pronounced lee lee.  No, that's not my real name, but it is my real nickname so we're good. I'm 43 years old, mom of 9 1/2 year old twin girls, Annie Cupcake and Peaches, and wife of Big J - also known as El Stupido. No, I don't really call him that - but it came up on a " tough guy nickname generator" and made Peaches and Annie squeal with laughter.  I can see how this nickname might come in handy on those days when Big J tells me he will never store our trash can in the garage but will always leave it right out on the corner of the house. Yes indeed, I'm feeling the benefits of this new name even now.

I didn't really name my daughters Peaches and Annie Cupcake, but upon asking them to be Krissi and KK for purposes of this blog - there was a great cry of rebellion. After a morning of stiff negotiations, I'm stuck with two kids named after snack cakes. However, they are really sweet - so we're good.

My purpose for this space is to share with you all the ways in which I am a superior mother to you, to advise you on how to do it the right way - mine - and to give you helpful parenting, budgeting, housekeeping, cooking and fitness tips. I also hope to show you how inferior you are as a wife and woman in general. I will teach you how to beautify your hair, nails and skin so that you too can be supermodel beautiful like me. Most importantly, I will share my political and religious views on a daily basis so that you can learn why you are wrong and I am right. Lastly, I will share daily videos of myself singing, giving poetry readings and dramatic interpretations of 17th century British literature as well as personal grooming demonstrations.

Okay, not really. Really I'm here to share with you the ways in which I'm finding myself everyday. In real life, I'm lazy, fat, disorganized, can't cook, don't clean, screw up my kids and spend too much money I don't have. I am cute though. And I will make you laugh. Laughter is my love language. If I make fun of you, it's because I love you. If you find yourself under an assumed name in the pages of this blog, feel loved because you are.

Right El Stupido?